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Healthy Living: Exercise - Where Do I Begin?

By Sheri Wiese

The Christian Online Magazine -

My mother is a fifty six year old woman and has never exercised or been concerned with her weight until the last few years. She started gaining weight (30 pounds total) and really had little teaching on nutrition or fitness. I saw her go through stages of depression and frustration, which affected every part of her life. For the first time, she realized that she needed her body to stay fit and strong because she wanted to play with her grandchildren and enjoy the rest of her life. She never understood in her earlier years that her health was vital to every part of her life.  

I helped her create an exercise plan that would give her results and be convenient in her schedule. We decided that walking would be the best form of exercise because it is very simple to start. All you need are comfortable shoes and clothes.  

Beginning walkers can make their workouts less strenuous by limiting how fast and far they walk. Keep in mind the following:

  1. Walk short distances to begin (start with 10 minutes and increase to 20 to 40 minutes a day)
  2. Forget about speed. Walk at a comfortable pace. Focus on good posture, keeping shoulders relaxed and head lifted.
  3. Swing arms naturally, and breathe deeply. If you can’t catch your breath, slow down or avoid hills.
  4. Be sure you can talk while walking. If you can’t converse, you are walking too fast.

Listening to Praise and Worship music while you walk is a great way to build faith and energize your workout. If you wear headphones, keep the volume down and watch out for traffic that you may not hear. 

Romans 12:1 says, “I appeal to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of all mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies-presenting all your members and faculties-as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted and consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable service and spiritual worship” (The amplified Bible). 

My mom made a quality decision to make changes and to believe God for His power to help her. She has now lost eight pounds in a month and won’t stop until she loses 22 more. As she submits her body to God as a living sacrifice, He is getting involved in her eating habits and daily exercise.  

Say this: “God lives inside me. I have my body because of God. It’s not my own. I’ve been bought with a price. Father, I honor the blood of Jesus by submitting my body to You, a living sacrifice. Now, Father, I’m expecting you to bless it.”  


Copyright 2003 By Sheri Wiese


About the Writer:

Sheri Ayers Wiese is a certified aerobics instructor through American Council on exercise and holds a B.S. in Health and Exercise Science from Oral Roberts University. More importantly she is a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ with a vision to help people be whole in spirit, soul and body!


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